Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 2: Tuesday, January 17

Scripture Passage: James 1:3-4 NKJV

3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

My Observation

Nothing that hasn't been proved can be called a fact. James reminded me that I must be tested. My faith has to be proved so that I can be called as having faith in - whatever. My "patience fact" must be perfect in that opportunity. If I ask for patience, will God give me patience or an opportunity to be or act in patience.

Day 1: Monday, January 16

Scripture passage: James 1:1-2 NKJV
1 JAMES, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.

2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,

My Observation

James doesn't doubt or say he is not saved but displasy or portrays he ahs tremdous patience. He sounds liek he uses trials or tests to enhance self-awareness.

Good Morning Girls: The James Experience

This is where we will journey through our "James experience" over the next 12-weeks. I promise we will see more of the power of God in us than we thought possible. We are going to have great challenges and rough times BUT the god in us is able. We are the mini versions of our heavenly Father and we can do this.  Remember not to beat yourself up during this experience, we are to give ourselves time to be refined and processed like gold. Lets do this!

Journaling Your Experience

Each day of the Experience we will record our SOAP:

S - Write the scripture passage for the day.
O - Write down 1 or 2 observations from the passage.
A - Write down 1 or 2 applications from the passage.
P - Pray over what you learned from today's passage.

Here is the link to the Good Morning Girls webpage http://www.goodmorninggirls.org/. There you will find more information on the group and book club or what I call the "James Experience". Plus there are several downloads available as well as the guide to the readings.

Women Living Well

I encourage you to take a look at the Women Living Well website hosted by Courtney, a fabulous mom, mentor, and woman of God. She is truly an inspiration to many women coast-to-coast.
